Socketed Goalposts
Introducing our wide range of socketed goalposts - the perfect choice for any football club or school looking for top-quality, durable goalposts that will withstand the rigours of match play! Socketed goals are cemented into the ground to provide a set area to enjoy football matches and training sessions. Guaranteed to transform your team's football skills, they're made from steel and aluminium and designed to withstand the hardest of shots. The football goals listed within this category are all anchored into the ground using sockets and we stock multiple sizes including 16ft x 7ft, 16ft x 6ft, 21ft x 7ft, 24ft x 8ft and 12ft x 6ft. These professional goals are manufactured in Great Britain and conform to the latest British Safety Standards.
Wide Selection: This selection includes socketed goalposts made to the highest standard, with sizes ranging from 16ft x 7ft, 21ft x 7ft, 12ft x 6ft, 16ft x 6ft and 24ft x 8ft. All goalpost packages come complete as a pair of goals with net supports, ground sockets, 3mm white nets and net clips.
High-quality and Durable: Browse our wide range of metal socketed football goalposts, nets and fixings. They’re guaranteed to withstand adverse weather and will help any team improve their skills.
Designed to Last: Designed from either steel or aluminium, our wide range of socketed goalposts features only the highest-quality designs with robust construction. Each goal comes complete with the relevant fixtures needed for it to be safely installed in the ground.
Suitable Supplier: Supplying professional goals for teams with the highest standards, Live4soccer are a suitable supplier to the football foundation. Call our experts on 01302 723024 to find out more.